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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pulse by Robert Cook

About Book
Iran has developed a nuclear weapon and is about to use it against Israel. The US decides to preemptively attack Iran. Alejandro Cuchulain, Cooch, and his team are sent to convince the Iranians that it’s time to make nice with the world’s military hegemon. In a cover comment, former Deputy Director of Homeland Security and Commandant of the US Coast Guard, says,.”
“Move over Jason Bourne and Jack Reacher, Cooch has taken over the helm!
“Cook’s best work yet could be an extract from the latest meeting of the National Security Council. The ride is manic moments of fear blended with others of sheer inspiration.”

Pulse plays out with Cooch debating the morality of the attack with the President and his staff, while he and his team try to fix mass education in the Middle East.
Team member and female protagonist, Dr. Caitlin O’Connor, is the smartest person in the room, any room, and so convinces the President. It is her data system that has delighted the NSA and predicted Iran’s nuke completion and her systems that provide effective mass education in the Middle East.
Pulse swirls through Tangier, Washington, Camp David and Tehran in an exciting blend of dynamic writing and believable plot. See more of Coook’s novels and thoughts on or order Pulse, Patriot and Assassin or Cooch at Amazon.

About Author

Shooter, soldier, entrepreneur, philanthropist, venture capitalist, vintner and now author.
Robert Cook is a United States Army Vietnam veteran, who attained the rank of Major and holds the parachutists badge, Bronze Star Medal and the Army Commendation Medal.
Cook was named the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the Metropolitan Washington, DC Region in 1987.
Mr. Cook is an active philanthropist. He endowed the Robert E. Cook Honors College of Indiana University of Pennsylvania that was recently covered in Donald Asher’s book, “Cool Colleges for the Hyper Intelligent, Late Blooming and Just Plain Different”. He is currently active in its support, particularly for Achievement Funds used for assistance in study abroad and supporting low-paying, but valuable, internships.
Mr. Cook, originally of Altoona, Pennsylvania, holds a BS in Mathematics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the George Washington University.


Robert Cook

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Tell us about your latest worktitle, genre, etc.  and why you wrote it?
Pulse is a politico thriller. The protagonists are trying to fix the Middle East through mass education from the ground up, using technology—violence too as it turns out. The US preemptively invades Iran. The Pulse teams makes nice with Iran.
What draws you to your genre(s)? Why is this type of story compelling to you?
Current events draw a reader.  I put them in a thriller context with strong protagonists, particularly the women.
What is your writing process like? Do you map the whole thing out or do you just let it unfold?
I outline then write.
What kind of research was involved?
See author’s notes at back of book. Extensive research into Islam, Muslim feminism, new weapons and argumentsabout  the morality of war.
How much of YOU makes it into your characters?
There is more of what I know in the characters than there is any of me.
How do you balance the need to have time to write with the needs of family, society, etc.?
It’s hard.  I try to write when I won’t be interrupted, which is even harder.
Have there been any authors in particular, that inspired your writing?
I aspire to be a storyteller for thoughtful thriller readers. I like Daniel Silva in particular.
Is there a story you want to tell behind or about your work(s)?
I’d like the reader to get a better sense of the enormous complexity of national security decision making and the preparation that goes into starting a war. Islam must be better understood. Jihad is an Muslim sound bite, not religion.
What other projects are you currently working on or about to start?
I’ve started another similar book and a young adult novel involving the two Moroccan kids from Pulse.
Could you share some of your marketing strategies?  Which ones are the most effective in your opinion?
Book blogs are my main marketing approach, now that I have a few followers on Twitter, Facebook, et al.
What would be the top five, (or 3 or 1 or however many) things you would tell aspiring authors?
Writing is a craft, like art or music.  It must be learned.

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