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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Stock Market Volatilty

Your view of the stock market will never be the same.

The concept of free markets is an illusion. Money flows not to the place of greatest value, but where those in power choose to send it. 

Dr. James Doran founded and served as the chief investment officer of Implied Capital LP, a volatility arbitrage hedge fund. He previously was a chaired professor in finance and has published numerous academic and practitioner articles in the areas of option pricing theory and portfolio risk management. He is married with three children and currently lives in Boulder, Colorado. 
Welcome to my blog Dr. Doran.  Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about yourself and your latest book.  We appreciate your work and views, particularly in these times of uncertainty.

Tell us about your latest work—title, genre, etc. — and why you wrote it?
My novel- The Profit Dilemma, is a multilayered financial thriller about the inner workings of the stock market that is disturbingly plausible with significant global repercussions. It is a story that taps into recent headlines and news topics: big banks, insiders’ control, the manipulation of emotions, and the worldwide power struggle for influence on the financial world. I wrote it because, as a lover of a good crime or mystery thriller, I felt the area was heavily diluted with spy, law, and detective works. When it came to the world of finance, and the stock market, the world of fiction has severely underserved that area.

What draws you to your genre(s)? Why is this type of story compelling to you?
Coming from an academic and practitioner background, I felt that, in general, our understanding of the world of finance and how the stock market worked was misunderstood. Using a fiction thriller setting was a way to tell a compelling story while also revealing hard truths about the financial world we live in. 
What is your writing process like? Do you map the whole thing out or do you just let it unfold?
It all starts with a central premise and builds outwards, in other words, is this an interesting idea and is there a story to tell? So it starts like a circle, and then larger circles are completed that build upon that central idea with characters, places, etc….By writing in this fashion it is then easier to build in the detail than a much more linear process. It helps to eliminate the so called “writer’s block”
What kind of research was involved?
The research that was used was from the years of academic work done when I was a professor, and I took some of the most foundational and seminal ideas that we have to help drive the elements of the story. All the locations were places I have worked in/at, and are central to the financial world.  
How much of YOU makes it into your characters?
Jake is the ideal me. Most of Jake’s experiences I have lived, but not necessarily with the same outcomes.
How do you balance the need to have time to write with the needs of family, society, etc.?
Writing is an escape. It provides the right kind of cognitive and emotional challenge to provide balance when other parts of my life are out of control. Even if I write 500 words on a given days, or 5000, I will always make time. As an early riser, I tend to do my best writing right after I wake up and before my kids are awake.
Have there been any authors in particular, that inspired your writing?
There have been many writers that have inspired me, but none I thought I could possible emulate or replicate. I would say my style follows closely to conventional thriller writers- like a Dan Brown or Justin Cronin
Is there a story you want to tell behind or about your work(s)?
This is the first book in a trilogy. It is an evolving story that will incorporate a legal and political component. The intent was to highlight and explain many of the misunderstood and frankly scarier aspects of society that we are blind to.
What other projects are you currently working on or about to start?
The second book in the series is called “The Profit Curse.” This is the legal component to the trilogy. It will again mirror some of the more personal components I have experienced.
Could you share some of your marketing strategies?  Which ones are the most effective in your opinion?
Build and utilize your own network as much as possible.
What would be the top five, (or 3 or 1 or however many) things you would tell aspiring authors?
Start with a unique idea that you are passionate about. The story will evolve from there.

Again, thanks James for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. We appreciate you and your work.

About Book

Jake Chamberlain knows he is right. It is just that nobody believes him. His research is thorough and the evidence is overwhelming. He knows he may have just discovered the most important finding in modern day finance. In doing so, it is a license to print money. Now he must decide whether or not to use it. Michelle Lancaster knows what she is doing is wrong, but she has no choice. Doing the wrong thing is sometimes the right for the common good. She has just been promoted to the most powerful non-elected position in the country. It is everything she has worked for, but the position comes with an added duty. This obligation is so secret that if it was revealed it could shake the foundation of the financial markets. Both will soon become the central figures in a global chase to get the upper hand, where one wrong choice may trigger the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.

The Profit Dilemma is an intriguing, multilayered thriller about the inner workings of the stock market that is disturbingly plausible with significant global repercussions. It is a story that taps into recent headlines and news topics: big banks, insiders' control, the manipulation of emotions, and the worldwide power struggle for influence on the financial world.

To find out more about him go to


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