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Monday, March 26, 2012

Time to Reminisce

To sit back and think
 This is the week to get into my deck chair with my cat and teddy bear.  To take the time to remember all the wonderful authors I have been talking to in the last few months.  And look forward to all my new author interviews over the coming months.
For those who wish to join me, our authors, their interviews, books, blogs, and websites can be accessed through the archives and chronicle page.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Testomonial of Insanity - The Journey Home
Welcome to my blog Ally.  Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about your book, and the life journey of yourself and the young man.

"A Testimonial Of Insanity-The Journey  Home"
A True Story written by ;
Alice Nehme & Tilou
Welcome to my blog Ally.  Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about your book, and the life journey of yourself and the young man.

Q. Tell us about your latest worktitle, genre, etc. and why you wrote it?
A.  My latest work is “A Testimonial of Insanity”, a true story of the life and battle of a severe 16-year drug addiction and a man’s journey to sobriety. I was inspired to write his story to a) Help my friend save the life of her only child after severe addiction, prostitution, etc….b) I recognized my capacity to get through to him (my way), c) To prove to him that there really are good people out there that will listen.
Q   What draws you to your genre(s)? Why is this type of story compelling to you?
A. I grew up in an environment where my mother was addicted to prescription medication, her attempts of suicide, and many years of family therapy to try and help her. I was then married at the age of 21 for 20 years, finding out after the fact that my husband was addicted to drugs. I have the tools it takes to make a difference and help create change.

Q.  What is your writing process like? Do you map the whole thing out or do you just let it unfold?
A.  I follow my instincts, my heart and listen very, very carefully to the signs around me. When one takes baby steps with the goal to slowly progress, the result will be much more evident and achieved so I guess I would say that, planting seeds and watering them slowly is my way of doing things. As things unfold, the road may sometimes change but I continue to plant seeds and watch things unfold and develop.

Q.   What kind of research was involved in writing your book?
A.   I am constantly researching and networking with anti drug organizations, attend regular meeting and follow developments in therapy.

Q.   How much of YOU makes it into your characters?
A.   My philosophy of life and support of others makes it into my characters.

Q.   How do you balance the need to have time to write with the needs of family, society, etc.?
A.  Balance is a very important state of being. Being a single mom, my children have also been exposed to the negativity of addiction from their father; therefore they were and still are my main priority. Now that they are 22 and 20 years of age, they support my projects and passions and include themselves in some of the process. I have always taught them the importance of our home but at the same time the importance of being a contribution in society. They too are very passionate about this message.

Q.   Have there been any authors in particular, that inspired your writing?
A.  Yes Eckhart Tolle, specifically his book “A New Earth”.

Q.   Is there a story you want to tell behind or about your work(s)?
A.  I am proud to say that this book has been successful in assisting families and addicts find solution. I have been blessed to receive testimonials, emails and phone calls from people just to say, “thank you” Your book saved me….or you saved my ……..This is my only goal. I want the message to be load and clear…There ARE answers….There ARE solutions.

Q.   What does a drug addict look for?
A:  An addict is looking for a safe and approachable influence that will listen to him/her and accept them for who they are.
Q. Why are the people around them all co-dependants?
 A:  The family and friends surrounding the addict become co-dependants because they are constantly living in pain and disappointment therefore they tend to facilitate the addict thinking this is helping them. They are afraid that the addict will become worse or will die so they live and behave in this fear.

Q. Why is this book different?
A: This book teaches you to see the addict from a new set of eyes/ to see him through love and not through the failure that society dictates. People look at addicts as “losers.”
They are not losers, they are human beings suffering therefore the drugs becomes their out.

Q. Where do we go for help?
A: Find someone you trust, someone who will listen unconditionally and “ASK” for help. The book will give you the inspiration to search beyond the fear; to not be afraid of what everyone thinks; to stop ignoring the fact that a problem exists and to be proud to be a part of evolution and solution. There is nothing more honorable that being in the mode of recovery.

Q. What helps a drug addict and the path to recovery?
A: The unconditional support from his family, friends, the professional resources in the community and the organizations that surround him with a community of people who will understand because they too have lived through it and made it.

Q. How do you see beyond the drugs to see the person for who they
truly are?
A: This indeed is the hard part. One must begin to truly believe that addiction is not a failure or a weakness but instead it is compared to as an illness. Like every illness there are doctors, nurses, family support and resources where everyone gets involved to help.

Q. Why is love the key to recovery?
A: All comfort and security begins and ends with love. You must feel love not just be told that your loved. Love is an action…Love is and must be a constant.
Addiction is a lifetime battle but love and support are a lifetime commitment.

Q.  What other projects are you currently working on or about to start?
A.    I am presently in the process of translating the book in French. Being a resident of Montreal and a strong advocate against addiction, the majority of rehab centers in the province of Quebec are French; therefore it is important to have this reading tool available in both English and French.

Q.  Could you share some of your marketing strategies?  Which ones are the most effective in your opinion?
A.  Networking is important and constant exposure through the web and through word of mouth and testimonials of success stories are very effective.

Q.  What would be the top five, (or 3 or 1 or however many) things you would tell aspiring authors?
A.  If you have a message that you truly believe in, don’t be afraid to speak the truth. There are no rules in writing other than to believe in your work, use the proper resources to communicate your message loud and clear. If what you are writing creates pleasure or the help to create change and success, our role as writers is to contribute through words. Remember that what is written lasts a lifetime.

Again, thanks Ally for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. We appreciate you and your work.

Good luck with your current and future publications.

For more information:  Alice Nehme (Ally)

 Please go to the comments button below in white box to interact with our Author and other readers.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Welcome to my blog John.  Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about yourself, your book written by Drew Tapley, and your foundation.

 Drew Tapley
Q. John please tell us about your latest worktitle, genre, etc. and why you wrote it?
A.  Utopian Frontiers (originally called “The Canpro Project”) is a story about a family that inadvertently stumbles upon a secret, clandestine research city situated on the fringes of national parkland, somewhere in the Americas. It is a story of hope for the future well being of humanity.

The UF  title was determined by Bruce Rosenberg and myself, Bruce being one of the initial members of the board for Utopian Frontiers Foundation, the non-profit entity we set up to channel resources through in an ongoing effort to bring this myth to life.

Through their journey and interaction with the residents of the city, the family comes to terms with future shock and the related social/political/economic realities of this unique urban environment, run by a transnational research corporation with deep pockets and even deeper connections. Want to know more? Read the book!

The initial writing format was a screenplay, intended for development as a full length motion picture film. We described the document as “a science fiction documentary”, seeing as we were following the adventures of the family within the community.  The intention was to create the illusion that the city may indeed exist in the here and now.

As to why Mike Parsons and I initially started work on the project, well, we were compelled…

Read more about that here below.

Suffice to say we were concerned citizens, cognizant and sympathetic to the prevailing counter culture that emerged through the 60’s and 70’s.

That compulsion was passed on to Drew Tapley, the author of the book, who came onboard, connected with and wholeheartedly devoted time and effort to the project. Fortunate for Drew he has an understanding and supportive significant other!

Q.  Why is this story compelling to you?
A.  Does the current social/political/economic world condition/reality unsettle you in any way?

Does it make sense that someone who is one of the best at throwing or kicking a ball, shooting a puck, or swinging a club, makes a fortune while the woman who comforts your aged mother and wipes her butt as need be gets minimum wage?

A fire fighter who risks his life many times through the span of his career and potentially dies prematurely due to one version or other of breathed in poison earns a six figure income at best while the actor pretending to do the same may earn millions for performing brave acts in one film.

How about being good at playing with numbers on a page, being so good that you can afford to float your own luxury hotel, own your own South Sea island, assisted by the efforts of local residents who are depending on your wealth so they can feed their family, that is if you haven’t forced them off the property? And that’s just a glance at how monetary economics impacts on the real world…

Politically corrupt dictators, some posturing as pseudo freedom fighters, terrorize and impoverish their own people yet get the support of so-called democracies in the interest of securing favorable trade contracts, access to resources and markets, perhaps the right to establish a military presence, all in the interest of supporting freedom and democracy. The brazen hypocrisy is mind numbing…

Meanwhile, much of our technology is devoted to what I will call toys, although tools make a respectable presence.

Mother Earth herself is parceled out, gutted, used as a garbage can, a toilet, while species vanish.

Is nothing sacred?

Begs the question: Are we a species of idiot savants? How is it possible for a seemingly intelligent life form to create marvelous works of art, travel to the moon and back, explore the cosmos and yet allow the ongoing systemic denial of the potential and development of the majority of our children?

Q.  What is your writing process like? Do you map the whole thing out or do you just let it unfold?
A. The process, initially, was socially, experientially driven.

Mike Parsons and I both lived on Yorkville Avenue in Toronto at the time. This takes us back to the 70’s…

I had just returned from a 2 year HR stint, working for a mining conglomerate in Northern BC. While there, I lived in a semi-isolated environment, a kind of a city in the wilderness.

Mike, my writing associate, had contacts in the Yorkville area and helped secure a bachelor pad near where he and his family lived on the street.

Mike and family lived on the third, top floor of a building, with a large balcony overlooking Yorkville Avenue. The street had undergone a transformation from a hippie haven to a mixed zone commercial residential area, which was a way for the city to clear out the drug culture, do some minor renovations, slap some paint on and double the rent, much to the benefit of cooperating property managers/developers.

On weekends, remnants of the hippie movement would surface, some as street performers. Mixed in with the Gucci shoe tree crowd, the scene was surreal, accented now and then by an open-topped double-decker bus with a man in a gorilla suit chasing a fair damsel in distress from one end of the bus to the other, up and down, much to the bemusement and entertainment of the street crowds. The bus added a carnival, burlesque-like air to the evening, a tinge of the absurd that we found quite fitting.
Between guffaws and laughter, we’d wonder out loud if that was the cultural expression of the day: Do your nine to five, put on your club gear, dance, prance, sit, chat at the outdoor cafes, drive the one way circle along Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street, again and again, seeing and being seen… Oops! It’s Monday morning! Time to get back to work! And so it goes…

Watching this circus from Mike’s balcony, we started to play “WHAT IF?”

WHAT IF a group of concerned citizens banded together in the interest of establishing a research entity that would explore the relationship between humankind and technology, specifically options that would benefit the future of humanity?

From there, Mike and I decided to write a screenplay, thinking that a feature length motion picture film would best serve as a vehicle to explore and demonstrate some of the concepts and ideas we were discussing.

We researched available materials on screenplay writing while delving into alternative cultural values.

Skip forward 35 years or so. Enter Drew Tapley, who was brought in to update, refine, develop the seminal writings into a book, adding his creative contributions while staying true to the initial concept and base storyline.

The rest is an ongoing, evolving history.

Q.   What kind of research was involved in writing your book?
A.   Mike Parsons had a lifelong interest in substantive law, economics, history, technology…  I had an ongoing interest in the social sciences, psychology, anthropology and emerging communication technologies as well, such as optical laser technology when it was initially researched and brought to the market by NV Phillips. Mike was very keen and on the crest of the wave of that technology back in the 70’s. He brought emerging details to my attention. Mike is deceased, unfortunately, and I am left to carry the torch, with the help of others such as Drew Tapley, author of the book, and Ashton Price, music producer at Morph Productions and member of the board of directors for Utopian Frontiers Foundation. Research is ongoing, change is a constant.

Regarding KIND of research:

Life itself should be lived as a journey of discovery. We are all researchers, or at least we should be. The modern world makes it possible for any literate person to look and look again. Isn’t that what the RE in research IMPLIES? To look and look again.

So if the question is what KIND of research, that depends on your goals -

What KIND of research does a bomb maker do? I’m just not interested. Are you? I’m sure the military, police forces and security agencies are…

What KIND of research does a con artist do? Again, I’m not interested unless I intend to write about con artists.

What KIND of research does a pollster do? Possibly interested. Depends on the topic, the focus, the intentions…

Our research is done in the interest of the betterment of humanKIND!

Q.   How much of YOU makes it into your characters?
A.   Mike and I created the initial outline for all characters over time and it’s difficult to say where one person’s influence ends and the other begins. How much of ME? It took both of us to make a concerted effort to create the basic personality types we want to portray through this project. We played with archetypes. We allowed for, invited creative evolvement.

The challenge was to leave details open ended to the point where a writer could make a contribution to developing the characters without being restricted, yet respect the seminal ideas Mike and I began with.

Enter Drew Tapley, the author of the book, who was brought in to convert the initial screenplay into a novel. Drew brought a ton of creative ideas to the project while staying true to the core myth, not an easy task.

Q.   How do you balance the need to have time to write with the needs of family, society, etc.?
A.   Not very well, judging by my personal history (2 divorces, arms length relations with most people). Not much time for trivia, though I enjoy meaningful discussion. I tend to do a disappearing act, much to the chagrin of family and friends. I hold down a demanding full time day job as a Program Manager for a communications company so making time for tasks such as this interview means something has to give, and typically it’s my social life. Wait… This IS an aspect of social life!

It helps that I’m a loner at heart, yet I believe in the collective. Through the help of others, this project just may get the attention needed to bring about discovery, and eventually development of the book as the motion picture film Mike and I initially envisioned.

Until then, if nothing else, efforts are considered therapeutic, a balm for the soul.

Q.   Have there been any authors in particular, that inspired your writing?
A.  Everyone who I have read has had an influence, and believe me, over the years, I have read lots of books, articles, jokes, commentaries, writings on public washroom walls…

You want names?

Doris Lessing, Margaret Atwood, Isaac Asimov, Umberto Eco, Barbara Tuchman…

All of the above and more. On a consciously aware level, I forget many of the people who influenced who I am now as a person and writer. Well, I forget their names…

During high school, I used to cringe at the thought of forgetting names, dates, places for upcoming history tests, just because of how teachers would “grade” me. There are different types/kinds of intelligence, such as the wisdom of the ages accumulated in the mind and soul of an illiterate farmer, who could tell you more about the land than a PHD agri-specialist. Just don’t expect the farmer to write a paper on the topic.

Q.   Is there a story you want to tell behind or about your work(s)?
A.   My mother. That’s where I would start. She was a prime motivator.

My mother was farmed out as a child laborer by her parents due to the inherent poverty of the times. Lucky for her, the family she worked for had a heart. They were kind and loving. All the same, she had to do all of the housework, including washing and mending clothes at a time when it was all done by hand.

Then, married young, she had to do the same for my father!

When you come from a male dominant, Catholic culture where, as a woman, you’re expected to be open to your man’s needs (go forth and multiple – men cheer, women groan), it should come as no surprise that eleven children later, much later, when you meet European matriarchal women, the thought comes to mind: If I had only known! That was my mother’s semi literate coming to terms with the modern world.

I was constantly reminded how lucky I am to be born at a time that allowed me to escape the poverty and limitations of the rest of my immediate family.

I come from a working class family, a family that made sure I would never forget my heritage. The only challenge they put to me was to make the best of my life, and to that I am devoted.

Q.  What other projects are you currently working on or about to start?
A.  Blog entries are ongoing at with postings being made weekly. I try to do the research weekday evenings and do at least one posting on weekends.

Once I get the time to invest more efforts into research, the blog experience will be more frequent and extensive.

Q.  Could you share some of your marketing strategies?  Which ones are the most effective in your opinion?
A.  Too early to say what’s effective or not, however –

In truth, the book was generated to promote the ideas behind the initial project/screenplay and hopefully get attention from film producers.

A publicist and social media expert were brought on as well to support and promote the book and project in general.

It takes time to gather momentum and a following.

I personally do not believe in charismatic personalities, preferring instead to allow ideas to take hold as the prime focal point. There are too many people who look for a leader rather than empowering themselves. We (in support of the myth of Utopian Frontiers) don’t believe elitism has a place in future human endeavor, unless you’re prepared to accept the notion that everyone should have the opportunity to develop their potential. That would make ours a truly elite community, or should I say a community of true elites, and I say that in the humblest of ways, because if we’re going to tap the true potential of humanity, then one and all must be developed as researchers of sorts. Even a mechanic can research better maintenance procedures…

How does “marketing” the true potential of every individual sound? Mythical? Can we work at making that a living, evolving myth?

Q.  What would be the top five, (or 3 or 1 or however many) things you would tell aspiring authors?
A.  Always be and do your beast!

By that I mean we must come to terms with our animal instincts, our basic needs and drives before we can properly tend to loftier goals, especially intellectual pursuits.

If we are not true to ourselves in the most basic ways, how can we truly be healthy, happy and content? Too often, ideology, morality, rules, expectations demand our attention while we are forced to deny baser instincts and intuition. Through a proper upbringing in basic human psychology and emotive, empathic therapy, we connect with ourselves, then our community.

Writing for me is a form of therapy, so if you take my advice, connect first with your basic self. Come to terms with your animal instincts, start from the beast within.

Or cram your head with abstract knowledge and depersonalize. Go abstract. Language is an abstract form of communications anyway, so it’s your choice.

There are lots of ivory tower types who will be able to prove you to be lacking in depth of specific knowledge. We can’t expect to master any and all aspects of our world, our lives so what are you going to do as an imperfect being, crawl under the bed and hope nobody notices your blemishes?

Accept the fact that we’re imperfect by nature. Always do your beast. Just be nice about it.

And yes, the subliminal message is BEST!

Always do your best! What more can anyone ask? With luck, there will be other beasts out there you can connect with. Who knows? Maybe that’s the greatest gift of social humanity: living, growing, creating a better world, together as a community, all of us doing our best.

Q.  Could you tell our readers a little more about your music and group?
A. I wrote the lyrics at the time Mike and I were working on the screenplay. It took a meeting with Ashton Price just a few years ago  to feel comfortable enough to proceed with the creative efforts that resulted in the bringing together of session musicians. All were invited to make a creative contribution, in keeping with the values of the non-profit entity and overall mythology of Utopian Frontiers.

Q.  How are things progressing with the movie?  Can we expect to see it soon? 
A. No bites as yet. It’s a unique business. We’re adamant about having a finger in creative input, and the non-profit entity must receive shares, points, if you know what I mean. It’s like owning a house, any property. We’re not selling. You want to rent and make use? OK, let’s make sure you stay respectful to the myth and underlying values. Change is inevitable. Creative, constructive change preferred.

Q.  When you are able to take time away from your foundation what do you do for fun and relaxation?
A. I listen to public radio when alone, talk radio mostly, community supported, and I talk, meet with friends, the usual stuff. I’m not a party animal. I’m a private person.
I read books on the way to work and on the way home.

Q.   What is the hardest part of developing this organization for you?
A. Developing a sense of community.

Q.   What is the most positive experience in your development process?
A. Living up to a lifetime commitment.

Q.   Do you have a favorite place where you like to work on the various and diverse elements of the Utopian Frontiers project?
A. I live in a family house located in suburbia. I wasn’t born here, but I spent much of my youth here, and it’s as much a home as I’ve ever know. I have a basement room where I can lock the door and comfortably say: “Go away! I’m busy!”
 Oh, when I’m polite, first I ask “Who’s there?”

Again, thanks John for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. We appreciate you and your work.

Good luck with your current and future publications.

For more information on Utopian Frontiers and John Philip Roach


For information about Utopian Frontiers, the book, the organization or the music, visit To learn more about the book and to get your copy, visit
About Utopian Frontiers – The Book
What if there was a secret city at work on finding answers to the survival of humanity? Technologies beyond your imagination; a city expanding, recruiting and evolving. There is no government, no money, no bosses, institutions, cars or roads; and age takes on new meaning.
This “facity” is one big research product in and of itself, and nothing else quite like it exists on this Earth. This is the city that Erwin Sharp and his family are drawn into on the fringes of a national park. They fall headfirst down the rabbit hole into a world of space probes, cancer cures, and a core myth that defies belief. They soon realize that some doors are only meant to swing one way. This is a parable of trust and hope–a flashing beacon of hope in a world hell-bent on destroying itself. It is ultimately a story of ambition, of owning up to life, showing up and trading up. In a story that is as controversial as it is reassuring, sometimes it is possible to find something you always hoped existed, and in finding it, you confront your own truth as much as that of the world you live in.
About Utopian Frontiers Non-Profit Organization
UTOPIAN FRONTIERS FOUNDATION is a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing multi-media works intended to educate and provoke meaningful discourse on global environmental concerns – including the relationship between humankind and technology.
To educate and increase the public’s understanding of the environment and its importance by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings and by collecting
and disseminating information on that topic.
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Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to Get on the News Without Committing Murder

Welcome to my blog Beverly. Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about yourself, your book, and your business.

Q. Tell us about your latest worktitle, genre, etc. and why you wrote it?
A. My latest book is called: How to Get on the News Without Committing Murder. Subtitle: 8 Killer Tips for a Positive Media Image at Midlife. This is my first business book. The first three were, what I call, personal journey non-fiction books which basically tell my life stories.
This book was written for folks like me, who have either transitioned from or are in the process of transitioning from corporate America. It’s a different ball game when you’re older and trying to get your name out there to promote what you do. As a veteran journalist with more than 30 years in the business, I know what it takes to get the media’s attention so I decided to share that knowledge in a book.

Q What draws you to your genre(s)? Why is this type of story compelling to you?
A. As a baby boomer, I write about subjects and issues affecting my generation. It is my intention to use my life experiences as a testimony for others to let them know if I can survive all of the craziness and drama I’ve been through, they can too. I think of myself as a “voice for the voiceless.” Some women are afraid to publicly discuss certain issues but when I write about it, they contact me and tell me how much they appreciate saying what they’ve been feeling. I do believe God is using me through my writing and public speaking.

Q. What is your writing process like? Do you map the whole thing out or do you just let it unfold?
A. The writing process has been different for each book. The first book actually started as a journal where I was rambling about different issues going on in my world at the time---menopause, dating again after 40, working for younger bosses, etc. The second book was the result of a writing contest so that was a collaborative effort with other writers. The third book was the result of a lie I told my doctor that almost cost me my life. Don’t Ask and I Won’t Have to Lie probably would’ve never been written had that incident not occurred. My new book is the result of all of my working knowledge as a journalist.

Q. What kind of research was involved in writing your book?
A. For my first book I did quite a bit of research on menopause since I was diagnosed as being in the early stages of it. I wanted to gather as much information as I could in order to better understand what I was going through and to be able to share relevant information with my readers. For my new book, I didn’t have to do much research because they information in the book comes from my expertise as a journalist.

I did have to contact some people to make sure it was okay to use their quotes and portions of their articles.

Q. How much of YOU makes it into your characters?
A. Since I’m a personal journey storyteller, it’s always all about ME 

Q. How do you balance the need to have time to write with the needs of family, society, etc.?
A. That is always a challenge. I am the full-time caregiver for my five-year-old grandson while his mother is away at college. My husband works out of town during the week so I have to try to get everything I need done between the times my grandson goes to school and returns home. That is an ongoing challenge every day. Plus he has homework, choir practice and soccer practice so I’m constantly doing something from the time I get up until the time I go to bed.

Thank God for Facebook because that’s how I stay in touch with friends these days!

Q. When you are able to take time away from your business what do you do for fun and relaxation?
A. I used to bowl in a league and that was always fun. Although I don’t participate in a league anymore, I still enjoy hanging out with the family and showing off my skills 
Sometimes, my husband and I will just get away for a weekend trip where it’s just us and that’s ALWAYS fun! I still feel like a newlywed since we’ve only been married for five years and we currently have a commuter marriage.

Q. Have there been any authors in particular, that inspired your writing?
A. Years before I wrote my first book, I read a book called You’ve Got to Be Kidding…I Thought This WAS the Great Tribulation by Cathy Lechner. I absolutely loved her writing style and how she spoke to my heart. When I wrote Whatever! A Baby Boomer’s Journey into Middle Age, I patterned my writing style like hers in the sense that I wanted my book to be reflective of my voice. I wanted readers to feel as if I were right there in the room with them sharing my stories. I’ve also been blessed to have an Editor who allows my “voice” to come through.

Q.  What is the most positive experience in your writing process?
A. The most positive experience I get in the writing process is when the words just flow like running water. I don’t have to stress about what to say next. The words just come to me.
The most positive experience I’ve received from the writing process is having readers tell me how much they enjoyed my work and read it from cover to cover without putting it down.

Q.  What is the hardest part of writing for you?
A. For me, the hardest part has been my concentration. I have a tendency to become easily distracted. For example, if the phone rings while I’m writing I am inclined to answer it as opposed to letting it go to voicemail. When my grandson is around, my life is not my own so if I have a thought, I’ll write it down and put it away until I can get back to it when no one else is around. I have gotten better at dealing with distractions but it’s still a work in progress.

Q.  Do you have a favorite place where you like to write?
A. Anywhere that’s quiet.

Q.  What do you read for fun when you’re not writing?
A. I read a lot of inspirational, self-help books because they help inspire me to persevere in whatever trials and struggles I may be dealing with. I tend to read a select few over and over again.

Q. Is there a story you want to tell behind or about your work(s)?
A. When I left my last television news job in corporate America at the age of 49, I had no idea what I was going to do with the rest of my life but I knew I didn’t want to return to the rat race so to speak. I decided to use my expertise as a journalist to help others with their self promotion efforts. The new book is a part of that.

Q. What other projects are you currently working on or about to start?
A. I currently teach a monthly media workshop in my local community and I will be releasing another book in 2013 called: Make Your Mess Your MESS-age. It’s another non- fiction personal journey book.

Q. Have you ever wanted to or thought of writing a fictional book? If so, what in genre and what is/was your inspiration?
A. A. To be perfectly honest, I have never considered writing a fictional book.

Q Could you share some of your marketing strategies?  Which ones are the most effective in your opinion?
A. As a media trainer, I say it’s all about creating a buzz. There are a number of ways to do it. Online and offline networking has been very effective for me as well as public speaking. Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to connect with others around the globe but, in connecting, you must still build a relationship. I think one of the major mistakes people make in social media is constantly pushing their products or services on others without really taking the time to get to know anything about the people they’re coming in contact with. People are more likely to do business with those they know, like and trust so it’s important to take the time to nurture relationships.

Collaborations also work. Teaming up with other respected people in your field carries a lot of weight and can open up doors to an all new clientele.

Conducting training seminars and workshops allows others to see you as the expert and if you’re good at presenting, the more likely you are to gain new customers or clients.

Q. What would be the top five, (or 3 or 1 or however many) things you would tell aspiring authors?
  1. Hire an Editor. Even I, as a veteran journalist, have an Editor because it’s always good to have a second set of eyes to go over your grammar and spelling.
  2. Don’t get hung up on having to have so many pages to complete your book. My first book had 108 pages. I initially thought that was way too short but a good friend and fellow author told me not to worry about it. “When you’re done, you’re done!” That book went on to become an Amazon Best Seller and I had many people tell me they read it from cover to cover in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed it.
  3. Create an outline. Once you have an idea for a book, create an outline of the different topics you plan to discuss in the book or how you would like it to flow.
  4. Every time you have a thought for your book, write it down. I have scribbled notes on napkins, envelopes and my leg (while driving). I then got smart and purchased a mini tape recorder so I could capture my thoughts anywhere at any time.
  5. Get a fellow author to be a mentor. Get someone who will hold you accountable, read your work and inspire you.
  6. Writer’s Block happens to everyone. Don’t let it discourage you. Put the manuscript away until you become inspired again. I went three or four months before I starting writing again on my third book. I had so many other distractions going on at the time and couldn’t wrap my head around my manuscript so I put it aside until I cleared up some of the distractions.
  7. Set a deadline for publication. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time but hold your own feet to the fire as well as having your mentor do it also.
  8. Start creating a buzz about your book BEFORE it goes to the publisher. Build excitement and anticipation for your book.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to sharing my writing journey with you and I hope you will purchase a copy of How to Get on the News Without Committing Murder.

Q. When you are able to take time away from your business what do you do for fun and relaxation?

A. I used to bowl in a league and that was always fun. Although I don’t participate in a league anymore, I still enjoy hanging out with the family and showing off my skills 
Sometimes, my husband and I will just get away for a weekend trip where it’s just us and that’s ALWAYS fun! I still feel like a newlywed since we’ve only been married for five years and we currently have a commuter marriage.

Again, thanks Beverly for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. We appreciate you and your work.

Good luck with your current and future publications.

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