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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Book Readers in the Book Reviewer Yellow Pages 2015

Foreword by David Wogahn
Book Reviewer Yellow Pages
I wrote my first eBook in 1991. In those days, like today, it wasn’t hard to do if you had something to say and a computer to produce it. But what was hard, was marketing those early eBooks. Even if you advertised the book on a service like CompuServe, Prodigy or AOL, how would you ever find people willing to tell other people about your book?
I “discovered” the Book Reviewer Yellow Pages more than five years ago; April 29, 2011 to be exact (then called The Indie Book Review Yellow Pages). Newspapers and magazines were still employing book reviewers and “book bloggers” were considered an anomaly, given the same respect that big publishers were giving the new-fangled eBook formats like Kindle.
Fast forward to today and those same reviewers—if they are still writing reviews—most likely have started a blog (and in fact might even be in this book). An indie author trying to get reviewed by a traditional media outlet is an exercise in futility. It’s also fair to say that eBooks have made the big publishers huge profits and now form a permanent part of their publishing operations.
Book blogging today has grown into a serious business. It is a necessary marketing tool to promote books and Christy Pinheiro-Silva’s Book Reviewer Yellow Pages—now in its sixth edition—is the definitive guide to this informal network of book reviewers.
Collectively they rival the promotional power of the large circulation newspapers and magazines. Individually they can help niche books break-out to a wider audience. And that’s what book marketing is all about: helping thousands of small products in scores of categories seek and find their own passionate audience.
How I met Christy is a testament to modern book marketing, itself a lesson for new publishers. As a long-time reader of the pioneering eBook news website, I came across an article saying that her second edition was available for free. Free is still a popular way to connect with readers but in 2011 it was the fastest, sure-fire way to get your name and book noticed. Everyone had Kindles to fill-up and as a book marketer and author, who couldn’t use a free directory?
By the time the fourth edition was published in 2013 it had grown to a 778 page tome. Seeing an opportunity for constructive feedback, I took to Amazon reviews to voice my ideas about what makes this guide book so important for my clients, and where I thought it could be improved. I’m happy to say that Christy read that review, contacted me, and took many of those suggestions to heart.
Here are the two things you should know about the Book Reviewer Yellow Pages:
1.       It defines a standard of etiquette. Christy’s 10 rules for author etiquette should be required reading for every author, regardless of whether or not book bloggers are part of your marketing mix. I confess it is so solid that I based a section of my own book, Successful eBook Publishing (Sellbox, 2012) on her advice. The blogosphere would be a better place if every author took her admonitions to heart in all their book promotion interactions.
2.       It codifies the essential facts about a book blogger, so you don’t have to. Shouldn’t we be able to just “Google” book bloggers and fire off emails to reviewers? Nope. In reality it isn’t that easy. Trying to find the pertinent information so you can approach the reviewer who is right for your book (see point 1) is going to take you hours! There are no standard website designs for review websites, and you will need to visit each one (again, see point 1). Here is where the Book Reviewer Yellow Pages shines. Your small investment will pay big dividends in saving time in finding the relevant reviewers, and their contact information.
But one thing still remains the same, as it did for me in 1991. You simply must get people talking about your book if you are ever going to be a successful author. A book no one talks about is even worse than a book that doesn’t make money.
And that’s where this wonderful community of book bloggers comes into play. Let the Book Reviewer Yellow Pages be your Michelin Guide to the Wild West World of book review bloggers.
David Wogahn
Author, Successful eBook Publishing (978-0615710730)

The ISBN for the print version is 978-1937361235. 

Author Etiquette
1. Authors and publishers must realize that a book reviewer is doing them a favor. Book
reviews are some of the best publicity in the world, and reviewers perform a valuable service. If you
don’t agree, go spend a few thousand dollars on print advertising and see what I mean. Above all else,
respect the reviewer’s time and opinion.

2. Know your genre! And don’t be upset if the reviewer doesn’t accept your genre. We all have
our likes and dislikes. For example, please don’t try to submit a BDSM book to a “clean romance”
reviewer. Everyone is allowed to enjoy what they want. Just move on to the next reviewer. Use our
genre index to easily find the reviewers who will accept your book.

3. Even if you get a negative review, you should accept it as valuable feedback. Not everyone is
going to like your book. It is never appropriate to berate or attack a reviewer over a negative review.
Google the negative publicity that author Alice Hoffman received when she decided to attack a Boston
Globe critic by calling her a “moron” following a tepid review of her novel The Story Sisters. Do not
stalk or harass a reviewer that gives you a bad review. It’s petty, and it may come back to haunt you.

4. If your book is unedited or full of typos, then you shouldn’t be contacting reviewers in the
first place. Nobody wants to read an unedited manuscript.

5. Don’t expect a reviewer to pay for a review copy. They are giving you FREE publicity, and the
least you can do is pay for the review copy and the postage.

6. If you would like the reviewer to host a giveaway or a contest, that’s fine, but the reviewer
should NOT have to pay for postage or the giveaway copies. Once again, this is a book promotion tool,
and the reviewer is doing you a favor. You can either reimburse the reviewer for the postage costs (via
PayPal or some other method), or you can send the “contest winners” their copies yourself. And don’t
be a flake—if you ask a reviewer to host a contest, make sure you have copies to give away. If the
reviewer prefers to mail out the copies herself, then that is fine. Either way, give the reviewer the
option and let her decide.

7. Don’t bug a reviewer endlessly about your review once you have sent the book. Reviewers
are busy, and many of them get dozens of review requests every week. If they give you an estimate
such as “five to six weeks,” then it is appropriate to ask politely after that time period has passed.

8. Many reviewers will request a synopsis of the book to see if they like the subject matter. Be
prepared to provide this, and make sure the synopsis is free of typos or other grammatical errors.
When I get an e‐mail from an author that is full of errors, I usually just delete it. Do need help crafting
a review request? Check out our new review request letters section (next).

9. Always visit the reviewer’s website and read the submission guidelines before you submit
your review request. All reviewers are different. Some want a chapter. Some want a few sentences.
Some just want a link so they can review the description themselves. Tailor your review request to
each reviewer, and you’ll have much better luck getting some free publicity.

10. A quick thank you note to the reviewer is a nice touch, whether the review is positive or
not. Also, once a positive review is posted, make sure you visit the blog and leave a comment.
Reviewers like followers, so mention that you’ve followedtheir blog. They also really enjoy hearing an
author’s response. It shows professionalism and class.

  "Book Readers"  is listed on page 59.

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